Chief Human Resources Officer ·
General Information
Position Description
The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for developing and improving training processes for facilitators, as well as coordinating upskilling and retention initiatives for all volunteers, including management of the agenda at National Council. They are assigned the position of National Welfare Supervisor ex officio, for the purposes of the Federal Welfare Policy. They are also an ex-officio member of the Board Welfare Committee.
The Chief Human Resources Officer is responsible for:
- Delivering the maintenance and implementation of volunteer training resources and programs e.g. the volunteer training program, processes around volunteers ‘taking breaks’, etc.;
- Managing UN Youth’s child protection and welfare compliance, including overseeing the national Welfare Arbitrator Pool;
- Supporting and empowering divisional human resources and membership officers e.g. providing support for running of State Councils;
- Developing initiatives to support the health and welfare of all members;
- Overseeing the planning of National Council meetings;
- Developing and implementing comprehensive strategies to manage the volunteers of UN Youth Australia,
- Sitting in an ex officio capacity on the board’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Applications close at 11:59 pm AEDT on Saturday 1 February 2025
About UN Youth
UN Youth Australia is a national youth-led non-profit organisation that empowers young people across Australia as global citizens. Our programs provide environments where young people can build knowledge, develop connections, and find their voice on matters they care about. All our activities are run by young people for young people.
Each year more than 15,000 young people benefit from UN Youth Australia’s programs, including: Evatt, Australia’s largest model United Nations competition; the Young Diplomat’s Tour across Europe; and a host of local State and Territory conferences. We also work with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to deliver the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations Program.