Welcome to UN Youth South Australia

Schools Visits Program

UN Youth South Australia runs education sessions in schools across the state. Take advantage of a high-quality educational experiences offering Model UNs, workshops, and interactive problem solving activities.

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Student Ambassadors Program

UN Youth SA’s Student Ambassadors Program (SAP) is an opportunity for students represent UN Youth SA at your school, acting as a point of contact for your peers. Students learn about the ‘behind-the-scenes’ of UN Youth, and are placed on a path to becoming a volunteer with us when you graduate. The program includes regular get-togethers and workshops are held to brief Ambassadors on new campaigns, run skill sessions and provide an opportunity to socialise with other Ambassadors.

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Our People

UN Youth South Australia runs entirely on the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. Our dynamic team is comprised of young people from all backgrounds across South Australia, dedicated to building a great future for UN Youth SA. We work closely with our large team of volunteers aged 17-25 to provide quality events, connect with like-minded people, and create lasting memories

South Australia Executive

Hugo Moore


Isaac Gosling-Heysen

Education Director/Vice President

Jordan Ng

Youth Engagement Director

Lachlan Harvey

Human Resources Director

Jade Reed

Competitions Director

Charlotte Foresto

Finance Director

Mwangaza Milunga

Grants and Partnerships Director

Sign up to volunteer in South Australia

Sign up here!

Sponsorships and


Contact us

Have a question or request? Contact us below:

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