Young people driving meaningful global change
because our world needs us, and we need it too
Trending concern in Australia
Climate Change
“I feel like because I come from a country where the education system is still very old, I value education. Education helps grow the next generation, it is a tool in maintaining a sustainable future.” 15, Queensland
Our societies experience global problems that threaten how we live
Climate change & Sustainable living
Inequality and Discrimination
War and Conflict
Australian Youth Representative consultation about the UN Youth Office.
Young people are affected but often left out of solutions. We know we can make a difference.
UN Youth aims to equip us with the skills, knowledge, and passion to make meaningful change in our societies.
UN Youth Australia’s National Confererence 2023 in Boorlo (Perth), Western Australia on Whadjak Noongar Country.
Our Programs
For young people, by young people. Designed for those aged 12 to 18, in High School across Australia
Evatt Competition
Australia’s Model United Nations competition, immersing young people into the world of peace and security on the international stage.
State/Territory Conference
Overnight events bringing together a group of students from across a region to explore a complex and interesting topic in the fields of international affairs and law, and global politics.
Explore more of our programs
Our full list of programs and activities is not yet available on our new website. All events will be uploaded shortly.
For teachers and schools
School Visits
School Incursions designed to bring an international civics perspective to the Australian Curriculum and your scope and sequence.
Run our programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunities for young people 17 to 25 to lead young people
What matters most to young people in Australia in 2024.
Live insights from the Australian Youth Representative Program
Climate Change
Mental Health
Housing Affordability
Australian Youth Representative Program
The 2024 Report
In 2024, UN Youth Australia once again coordinated its annual consultation tour, the ‘Listening Tour’, to discover the issues that are most important to young Australians today.
This Report showcases what the youth experience really is, by capturing over 2000 perspectives from young Australians across every state and territory, across rural and urban communities, and from diverse backgrounds and identities.
This Report gives people of all spheres of work an insight into how young eyes view the world around them, and the change they do not yet see. We invite you to explore this Report, engage with its findings, and continue ensuring that young voices transcend into key spaces for decision-making.