What I Wish The Government Knew

By · 25 August, 2017 · Features, Youth Representative

I wish the government knew, and appreciated, the incredible stories of young Australians. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be at the UN General Assembly sharing some of them.

I’ve met with tens of thousands of young Australians this year. I’ve collected information from young people in every electorate across Australia. But it doesn’t end there, I will create an individual report for each MP filled with information from their electorate. In November, young people from all over Australia will take their reports to their local politicians to tell them about the issues that young people in their area cares about, and their proposed solutions.

I’ve learnt that most young people follow the news every day, and that most young people can name their local Federal MP, but still feel like they aren’t taken seriously. I’ve learnt that every young Australian has an incredible story to tell, and that our voices get stronger the more we listen.

I wish the government knew what I’ve learnt about what young people care about, so I need you to help me tell them.

Consider giving a few dollars to make the report back inclusive, accessible, huge, and very public. Young Australians deserve it: www.gofundme.com/youthrepreport

Thank you to every person who has taken the time to share a story, arrange a visit, send me updates, or spent any time reading through these stories. Don’t worry, I’ll still be posting some portraits for a while yet.

– Paige Burton, Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations for 2017

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