Alexander Hall

Tasmania · Divisional President

Alex has been involved with UN Youth since he attended Evatt in 2016, back when he still retained a glimmer of hope people would call him Alex and not Gary. Now as President, he’s passionate about being able to train new facilitators and expand the division. He is also excited about keeping beautifully organized records so no clerical error can ever occur. Between studying a Bachelor of ICT at the University of Tasmania, majoring in software engineering, and completing countless video games, Gary spends a lot of time in front of his home-built computer. He also enjoys using it to write stories for his Dungeons and Dragons group, as well as for his own amusement.

Rates: Computers with multiple monitors, the smell of rain, the Canon F-717SGA calculator, ball pits

Hates: Paper stickers that tear when you try and take them off of new books, fast fashion, hot breakfasts, music snobs


State Executive